What are the four major skills of apartment bed purchase
UpdateTime: 2024-06-19 10:36:00 Hits: 289 

What are the types of beds in the apartment

Single bed: To put it bluntly, it refers to the width of the bed in 1.2-1.5 meters, because the width of the bed is relatively narrow, only for one person to use, so it is called "single bed".

Double bed: usually refers to the width of more than 1.5 meters, because the definition of this classification is relatively vague, but according to the habits of the people, only the width is listed as the main measurement standard, as for the use of the main reference.

Bed up and down: mainly by the combination of two beds, both the upper and lower layers can sleep people. Beds are mainly made to save space in corporate or school dormitories, so they are called "student beds, dormitory beds, and staff beds."

What are the skills of choosing an apartment bed

1, look at the apartment bed material

When people buy apartment beds, they can check the quality through these aspects. For example: feel by hand, observe the color, view the brightness and so on. Generally speaking, a good cold-rolled steel plate, feel relatively smooth and flat, the material looks relatively textured, feels no stiff feeling, and the color is relatively full.

2, see apartment bed welding

Under normal circumstances, the welding points of high-quality apartment beds will not be completely exposed. In addition, when checking the quality of the apartment bed, you may wish to use a hard object to knock the welding part, if the quality is really good, the general knock marks are basically the same as the color of the coin; If the quality is poor, it usually takes on a rusty color.

3, see apartment bed technology

In addition, when you buy an apartment bed, you must check whether the iron components are well treated, otherwise it is easy to rust when it is in a humid environment for a long time, especially to check whether the corrosion treatment at the joint is well done, and there is no obvious leakage phenomenon.

4, look at the apartment bed spray details

There is also a point that is very easy to be ignored by everyone, that is, when buying an apartment bed, pay attention to check the details of the spray, such as: whether the spray of the apartment bed is uniform, then it is necessary to see whether the process is delicate, there is no obvious spots or leakage phenomenon.

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