Increased production
UpdateTime: 2022-03-26 09:27:00 Hits: 217 

Recently, in order to meet the demand of order volume output value, adapt to personalized production needs, and ensure delivery time, Bei Ji Zhi Xing added an advanced cutting robot to the original basic equipment for streamline operation, improving the production quality.


The robot laser processing system has the characteristics of flexible robot movement and high flexibility, and also has: Laser processing speed, good quality, low thermal impact and other advantages, well meet the development of the North Pole Zhixing precision requirements, help to improve the quality of our company's products, but also reduce production costs, so that our apartment bed prices in the market more advantageous, to provide customers with high quality and beautiful student apartment bed.

By using the laser cutting machine for cutting work, it is more accurate than the traditional cutting machine, the processing effect is more fine, and the cutting accuracy is avoided due to poor, thus saving production and processing costs. Improve production efficiency, promote production accuracy, achieve high-quality cutting effect, and the overall effect of product production will be better.


The laser cutting machine has these advantages and characteristics, and plays an important role in the work, breaking through the limitations of the traditional cutting machine, bringing safer, more convenient and more efficient work experience, so that the cutting accuracy can reach a higher standard. This is the main reason for the use of laser cutting machines, and the reason why this cutting machine is now widely used.

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