Safety tips on bed design for dormitory apartments
UpdateTime: 2024-04-10 09:31:00 Hits: 309 

Dormitory apartment bed should not only pay attention to the stability and environmental protection of the product, but also pay attention to the safety performance of the dormitory apartment bed, so as to make the dormitory apartment bed product to a higher level.

1. beam, column and other edges must be rounded;

Dormitory space is relatively small, in daily life, may accidentally collide with dormitory furniture, the consequences are unimaginable. When buying a dormitory apartment bed, pay attention to the details such as the edge of the product, no sharp edges, and the details should be processed into rounded corners, not easy to cut, collision injury.

2. Stability is key

When browsing the product, we can observe the style and shape of the product, can not experience the stability of the product, the overall structure of the product is unstable, it is easy to rollover, collapse and other accidents. When choosing dormitory bed, you can choose cold-rolled steel, cold-rolled steel bearing performance is better. The buckle connection also makes the dormitory bed not easy to loosen during use, and the gravity will be downward and the connection will be tight.

3. intimate design can not be less

The standard height of the guardrail will greatly reduce the risk of the upper berth user falling, the standard height of the dormitory bed 250mm, the new guardrail height of the bed up to 350mm, reduce the risk and ensure safety. Non-slip design is also key when going up and down stairs. Aishang dormitory stairs are designed with concave and convex anti-slip lines, and equipped with luminous strips, which can accurately find the position of the stairs in the dark to prevent stepping on the ground and falling.

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